1. You must be over 18 years of age or of legal age in the country in which you reside to join our sites or promote them.
2. We do not accept webmasters using non-adult free hosts.
3. We reserve the right to refuse participation in this program based on geographical location, use of illegal content or any other issue that might cause harm to this program.
4. Your account will be terminated if you engage in bulk emailing to promote any of the sites in this program.
5. One account per individual is allowed.
6. Promotional content released by the program can only be used to promote the site the content is taken from. Use of our promotional content to promote other sites will result in termination of your account.
7. We are not responsible for any downtime or technical errors affecting your pages.
8. Fraudulent activity, including false signups, misleading promotional text or images, will result in termination of your account.
9. The inclusion of text or images relating to child pornography, bestiality, hacking or any other illegal activities will result in the immediate termination of your account.
10. Traffic from unproductive countries, specifically Indonesia, Peoples Republic of China - except Hong Kong - The Philippines and Vietnam, is not accepted and will be blocked.
11. We reserve the right to withhold payment to affiliates terminated for any of the above breaches of these terms.
12. By accepting these terms you agree to receive emails relating to this program and it's operation unless you choose to opt out. Your email address will not be shared with third parties.
13. We reserve the right to change the details of this program at any time.